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Before looking at the year ahead, I think I must look at the year past. NOT a banner year. Not for my writing nor personal life. I have to hope 2020 will be better in all aspects even though I am facing a small medical challenge, it’s one that surgery should overcome.

So, on to 2020 plans! I’m getting my writing mojo back and I’ve set some goals (nope, not going to call them resolutions) for next year. I’m hoping that setting them out for everyone to read, you will help me stay on target. ESPECIALLY those fans who are in my Facebook Fan Group, The Hootin’ Holler.

  1. Finish Paradise Dream (#4 in my C’Mon Inn Mystery series) & Always on Duty (prequel to my Klondike Mystery series)
  2. Start work on a new mystery/suspense/thriller trilogy as yet unnamed (after #1 is complete).
  3. Post blog entry at least once a week (see poll below to chose a day).
  4. Read at least one book a month
  5. Conduct an every-other-month giveaway (and maybe, sometimes a special one)

Phew! The new trilogy will finish out the year but I’d still love to get back to work on my Lia Rules series. I’ve got some changes in mind for her, I want to make it more of a cozy mystery written in first person. Maybe I can squeeze out a short story to see how it goes. Maybe…..LOL!


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