Letter U

This is a serialized story – be sure to read in order: from A (afterthought) to Z (zealous).

Neither of them slept well but still had no idea what time it was when they woke.

“How about some coffee?” Nash asked as he pulled a tin of coffee out of the cupboards.

“Sure. And bacon and eggs, too.”

Nash snorted. “How about some toast. The fridge is pretty sparse but I did find some butter and jam.”

Courtney slammed a cabinet door. “Peanut butter. We need some protein. Dinner wasn’t enough.” She slammed another one. “And snacks to take with us.”

Nash knelt and checked the bottom cabinets. “Here we go! Bottled water. Can’t tell you how many times I wished I’d had something to drink yesterday.”

“Great, but food. Keep looking. There’s got to be something worth bringing.”

Nash stood and put his hand on her arm. “Calm down. You’re getting upset and that’s not going to help us.”

“I know, it’s just frustrating. Why don’t you start looking for a way out of here other than climbing back up into whatever and I’ll make us some sandwiches with the butter and jam.”

He nodded as she continued searching and muttering, “Peanut butter. Got to be some here somewhere. You can’t hide from me.”

“Are you done searching, Court? We need to really search this place for another exit. I don’t think our captors used the hatch like we did.”

Courtney frowned. “Probably not, but then again, who knows? Nothing here has been as expected. At least for me.”

“Me neither, not at all.”

“Well, what DID you expect? I’ve been patient, waiting for details about this whole thing. I still don’t know why we came or what you are searching for.”

“I’m beginning to think the whole thing was a hoax. I’m not the most liked person in town.”

“Fine. Whatever. Let’s just find a way out. I’m so done with this whole thing.”

Nash mumbled, “Me, too.” Louder he added, “You start in here and I’ll head to the bedroom and work my way forward.”

Several hours later they were both defeated. Nash sat on the sofa beside Courtney. “Nothing. I even spent time staring in case something changed. You know, like it has in other rooms.”

“Yeah, nothing out here but that.” She pointed up to the hatch. “Looks like the hatch is it.” She stood with a huge sigh. “Let’s just get it over with. You got the sandwiches and water?”

Nash picked a canvas bag up from beside the sofa. “Right here. Backpack would have been better but this was all I could find.”

“Great. Can you think of anything else we should take with us? We have no idea if we will ever find this again.”

“Not off the top of my head.” He slung the bag over his shoulder. “Let’s do this. You first.”

To be continued…


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4 thoughts on “U – Upset

  1. I was so caught up in this that I forgot that Nash hadn’t ever explained the trouble he was in. So, maybe now’s the time before they get going? Alana ramblinwitham

    1. I think they’re still too preoccupied to think about it…but I sure do think about the ending. LOL!

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