I did it again! I bought a set of pre-made book covers and they inspired a new series. This is one I am really excited about. I hope to get them written this fall and launch them in January during a book brozy book launch that is being planned. A HUGE thank you to April Anderton, owner of the Indie Cover Market.

I love these covers and the characters they inspired. Red Line Coffee Shop is run by three firefighters and the logo was inspired by the “thin red line” images in use today.

The Thin Red Line of courage is a symbol used by fire departments to show respect for firefighters injured and killed in the line of duty. As a firefighters are periled, they place their lives second to those they protect. They are forced to face their own fears and grasp for every ounce of courage to perform the necessary task.

Garrett, aka Flipper, is the oldest owner of the shop. He’s in his mid 40s, divorced and loves scuba diving. He’s been with the department for twenty-five years, starting as a volunteer while still in high school. He is currently a driver engineer for the department.

Brett, aka Smokey, is the next oldest. He’s in his late 30s, never been married (and never plans to be), and spends his spare time racing cars. After spending four years in college and getting a liberal arts degree, he backpacked around Europe and South America for another four years before joining the fire department where he’s stayed for twelve years. Thanks to education and hard work, he’s moved through the ranks to the level of lieutenant.

The youngest is Stephanie, aka Stevie, aka Grizz. She’s in her mid 30s and is divorced from a local police officer. She’s been with the department for eight years after getting an associate degree at a small community college in her home town. After a couple of years of waitressing to survive, she moved in hopes of getting a better job. She met her husband and through his friends, tried out for the fire department. She is a firefighter/paramedic.

All three currently work at the same station and are good friends. They do have a little help in the shop from Joni, aka Gabby, who is a single, part-time college student.

Oh, and the names written on the cups are the “victims” in each of the books. Weezy is a retired arson investigator who worked on arson cases with both Garrett and Brett in the past. Newsie is the local newspaper owner/editor who never pulls any punches, always telling it as it is (or as he perceives it to be). Leathers is a sometimes homeless regular to the shop. He has an interesting past and was befriended by the group.

UPDATE: The prequel to this series is now for sale on Amazon for only $0.99. Grab your copy now and meet all the characters.

Feel free to send in your thoughts, suggestions & ideas!

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