And she continues to push onward….

I’m not sure if it’s the quarantine, the weather, my age, or what, but the week’s are flying by and I seem to be getting nowhere. I’m busy most of the day but before I know it, I’m behind. This is a last minute blog post. My newsletter is due on Tuesday and I’m just now getting around to it, I have author requests getting backlogged on my Cozy Capers website. And writing – oh my! I’ve made no progress and I really, I mean REALLY need to get back to it.

How about you? Are you accomplishing anything? Yard work? Spring cleaning? Decluttering? Making videos? Writing letters? Getting back in touch with old friends? Reconnecting with family?

I’m determined. THIS will be my week to write. Let’s see how well it goes…stop back in next Monday for an update.


*As an Amazon Associate I may earn payment for qualifying purchases, maybe even enough for a cup of coffee! ☕
Thank you.

11 thoughts on “Motivation & Productivity

  1. Love you. I know you can whoop this can. I have much confidence in you.

  2. I wake in the mornings, thinking of all the things I want to get done that day. I finally get through two cups of coffee trying to convince my body it does not want to go back to bed. I attempt less than zero getting all those things I thought earlier because now I have a new list of things I “need” to get done. On good days I get most of the things I need to get done and none of the ones I wanted to do. And I go to bed exhausted realizing I have somehow lost that motivation to get things done.
    A vicious circle! And yet we all do the same old thing each day. We MUST break this cycle and start a new path! For me, that would be doing exercise in mornings (after I have had a few sips of coffee just to stay upright!) Take short break (more coffee to rehydrate) then get to what needs to get done. I find if I get music going early in the day (classic rock is the only station my Cajun hubby will listen to which is perfect moving music) I will get more done in less time than if I am moving in silence (except for doggy shuffles.)
    Find what motivates you early in the day to set the pace for the rest of the day. Get your groove going! .😎

  3. Clearly my blogging died off as soon as April did. I am still slowly, slowly going through my Nano-WIP for a first edit. I am making progress, but slower than a sleepy turtle. For me, the isolation prevented me from getting out and walking when I usually would, and now it’s the heat that keeps me lazy. I didn’t build my walking habit, so I don’t have any momentum and this HEAT!

    1. No way could I deal with that heat…so I don’t blame you! I think many of us are struggling right now for a lot of reasons. I have a dozen ways to procrastinate!

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