It’s that time again – CRUISING! The photo above is our cabin door hanger, makes it easy and identifies our passions. Stu is the scuba diver and I’m, obviously, the writer. Oh, yeah, and it helps us find our cabin. AND, we’ve had people thank us for using it because it helped them find their cabin. LOL!

I have two short stories in the works, not positive which one I will be working on but think it will be Mocha & Melodies, a new companion novella for the Red Line Coffee Shop Mysteries. I have a basic outline and the opening scene (actually, two of them, just have to choose one). It’s not realistic, knowing me, but it would be awesome if I could do this on the first week of cruising and tackle A Deadly Happening the second week. My target goals would be the 12k-20k word range.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, if I write 5 days each week, that would be over 2000 words a day! Oh, and you can see my progress on them both on my home page.


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