Along with our new deck, we reviewed our computer status and have made some changes. My husband has been using my old MacBook Air and an even older refurbished Mac Mini. Both were still using the Intel chip while my MacBook Air and MacMini were both using the newer Apple Silicon M1 chip.

So I ordered a new M3 MacBook Air (using my Apple Card for 12 month 0% interest payments – yippee). Hubby’s old MacBook Air got traded in, he gets my M1 MacBook Air and MacMini. His MacMini goes in for recycling,no trade-in value.

So I’ve spent the last week prepping the machines for the moves, then making the actual data moves. My MacMini was pretty clean, so I migrated it all to my new laptop. I did a factory refresh on my old MacBook Air and then did a clean install of all the apps. Still working on getting the data moved over from his two machines. A lot of duplication and a lot of unneeded files and photos.

We are leaving for our granddaughter’s graduation on Tuesday and will be gone a week. I’ll get back to his stuff then. He leaves again in less than a week and will be gone for two weeks. Plenty of time to finish cleaning up his computers. He plans to put the MacMini in the pole barn once his office in there is built.

New decals had to be ordered for both MacBooks. I managed to get another frog decal for mine, same as I had several years ago/several laptops ago. He’s keeping my old slasher decal and added two more of his own.


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2 thoughts on “It’s here and I’ve been busy…

  1. I need to update my old iPad, but I dread doing it. You are a brave soul, tackling both yours AND Stu’s!

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