A to Z of Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, & Significant Memories

Happy Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, & Significant Memories…

  • Husband: I’ve been blessed with two wonderful husbands. When I was widowed at age 58 after 20 years with my soulmate, I never expected to find love again. Four years later, I did. I know now I’m doubly blessed.
  • Hawaii: Such a beautiful state. We did cruise there but I was sick and could only get off on Kauai for a helicopter ride. Amazing! I’m so glad I set my C’Mon Inn Mystery books on Kauai.
  • Handbags: Hello, my name is Donna and I’m addicted to handbags/purses. Yes, I admit it. I have sold and given away the bulk of what I had collected over the years, but I still find the pull when I see them. Oh, wallets, too.
  • Heat from a woodstove: I am positive, there is no more comforting and warm heat than that of a woodstove.
  • Hot dogs: Are they good for me? Probably not, but I’ve been eating them all my life. Growing up, every Saturday we had canned baked beans and hot dogs. Yes EVERY Saturday. Now I love bacon-wrapped and air-fried ones but my all-time favorite is a Chicago Dog (minus the hot pepper).
  • Helping someone: There is no greater feeling in the world than helping someone, whether they ask or not, whether they know it or not.
The island of Kauai from a helicopter – taken Dec 2016 during our cruise

What are your happy small delights, simple pleasures and significant memories?


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19 thoughts on “Happy – 2023 A to Z Blog Challenge

  1. Helper, what I’ve done much of my life
    Holiday, all of which I love
    Hopeful, everyday

  2. Getting a really responsive comment
    Real butter on granary toast
    Spending six months of lockdown in Crete

  3. My folks had a friend who was a butcher and when I was young we’d go once a week to get fresh meat. He would always hand me a raw hot dog to eat while mom was shopping. Such a fun memory.

  4. Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. ~ Matsuo Basho. Poetry is my happy place.

  5. Husband number one and only has dispensed a great deal of happiness for nearly 53 years. We love a trip to Hawaii where shopping is a big drawcard for us. There are a few Hawaiian handbags among my souvenir haul.

  6. Loved Hawaii and would love to go again. And, Hotdogs!!! I love hotdogs and easy thrilled when Oscar Mayer started selling them without nitrates.

    1. I need to thaw some out, been a while. When hubby gets home, we’ll have bacon wrapped hot dogs in the air fryer. Yum!

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