PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll

My contribution to Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers:

She peered inside Hot Dog Heaven. “It’s closed. No lights and I don’t see anyone.” She turned to her companion. “Sorry.”

“Why? Their sign says they’re open.” Frank was always combative, preferring a negative view of everything.

She shrugged. “Maybe an emergency in the family?”

He harrumphed. “C’mon. Let’s go to Bacon Burger. They never close.”

Inside, three bound and gagged people on the floor sagged in despair as the gunman came out of the kitchen munching on a hot dog. “Ahhh, fourth of July and hot dogs. Land of the free.” Three shots punctuated his declaration.


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63 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: Declaration

  1. Oh, how absolutely awful!!!
    Not the writing … the content …
    Wow. It is possible that going for burgers saved Frank et al’s lives .. or perhaps had they looked though the window … they’d have saved OTHERS lives … oy vey!
    Nicely done.

    1. You are so right…on both counts! Thanks for the drop by…much appreciated.

  2. Phew! Saved by the boorish husband for once 🙂 Very thrilling and chilly read!

  3. Phew! Saved by the boorish husband for once….chilly what freedom means to some! Nicely done Donna!

    1. A small favor…just goes to show how little choices can make a big difference at times. Thanks for dropping in, Sandra.

  4. This had a “nothing makes sense” feel to me (about the world, not the writing). He shot the staff of a hot dog joint for no reason. Or, I suppose you could say (I wouldn’t) that everything happens for a reason and the couple were saved. I’m probably overthinking

    1. And when the truly psycho folks are marching around, nothing does make sense. Guess he didn’t want any witnesses to his robbery. Thanks for taking time to read & comment, Neil. Much appreciated!

    1. Thank you, Penny. It didn’t start out that way, but you know how these things go. The characters tell the story and he wasn’t a very nice person.

  5. Well now that’s a different take on the holiday. Ha.
    Sister’s in Crime. I know a few people in the St. Paul chapter. I’ve wanted to go to the meetings, but they’re on the same night as Toastmasters.

    1. Declaration has many meanings, doesn’t it?

      I haven’t been to our new chapter here in TN since it’s almost 2 hours away. At some point I will make a meeting!

        1. I write small town whodunit mysteries, currently working on book four in my second series. But I also read – a lot – but only when I’m not writing.

          1. Good for you. I have two science fiction of a trilogy published with the third on the way and one fantasy published from a series.
            Hope we both make it big.

          2. I love reading both fantasy and SciFi but lately haven’t had much time to read. When I’m writing, reading goes on the back burner. I doubt I will make it big but that’s okay as long as my readers like my books. 😉

    1. Makes me want to skip eating in diners…LOL! Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Sometimes in life, a closed door or an obstacle can be a good thing. In this case, not getting inside saved their lives. Well crafted story, DB 🙂

    1. Thank you – appreciate your taking time to read and comment.

  7. A sad yet well written tale of senseless violence that happens all too often, and the randomness of life sometimes.

    1. Thank you, the unpredictability was key to the whole thing. Thanks for the stop by!

  8. A good, though dark story, Donna. This reminds me of the Sherlock Holmes story about the lack of a dog barking. Anything suspicious should be investigated. Call 911 or another emergency number if available. —- Suzanne

    1. Good point but I think empty stomachs were their main concern.

  9. Oh, how sad! Real tension here. Very good writing. Just wish Frank–or someone!–had looked a bit farther.

    1. Thank you…I’m assuming the door was locked. But without a CLOSED sign, you have to wonder.

    1. Thanks, Keith. It was close…in real life, I had my own close call many years ago. Had a regular stop at a convenience store on my way to my third shift waitress job. I was running late one night and skipped the stop. The next day I read in the paper there had been a robbery and the clerk was killed…at the exact time I would have stopped.

    1. I consider that high praise coming from you, it’s much appreciated Rochelle.

    1. So many went with July 4th oriented posts due to the flag. I decided to change it up – but the story wrote itself. I had no idea how it would end when I started. Thanks!

  10. frank seemed like a real macho. by entering the joint, he could have scared the wits out of the bad guy and saved lives.

    1. I think he was actually a wuss…but then again, they could have both been killed if they went inside. Thanks for taking time to stop by!

  11. Whammo! Unexpected plot and surprising end. Very well done, although it paints a negative picture that does happen. Fortunately not often.

    1. Thank you…I never know where a story will go until it unfolds. Appreciate the visit!

    1. Thanks – glad I surprised you. I enjoy finding a twist at the end when I’m writing.

    1. That would have been a twist, but in this case the three shots were to kill the hostages. Sad…

  12. Oh oh! And they turned away not hearing anything. What a terrible turn of events… and those three shots… what and ending!

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