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My contribution to this week’s #fotoflash challenge:

“Jason, come get your hand out of the bathroom sink!” Molly crossed her arms and waited for her brother to respond. Nothing. “Jason! Now!” Her foot started tapping.

Still no response, she stormed off to his bedroom. “Jason James MacIntyre! You come out here right now.” Again, nothing. “I’m not fooling around. You and your magic jokes have gotten out of hand.” When she realized what she said, she giggled.

She looked around her brother’s room, neat as always. He was usually a slob, at least until he took up magic. Now his books lined up by size in the bookshelf, his magic trick accessories hidden in the cabinets underneath. His bed was made and there were no clothes on the floor. First she looked under the bed but there was nothing there. Not even a dust bunny.

Curiosity aroused, she opened the closet door, expecting to find the normal chaos she expected from him. But no. It was the same in here. His shoes were lined up side by side and the clothes were sorted by type and season.

“What the heck?” She whirled around searching for a clue that might tell her who cleaned up the room but more importantly, where Jason had disappeared to.

Giving up, she headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner before their mom came home. At precisely 5:30, Her mom came in, dropped her waitress apron on the back of a chair, kicked off her shoes, and sat on the stool beside the kitchen counter.

“Fried chicken, biscuits, gravy, and a salad. How was your day?” She leaned over and kissed her mother on the cheek.

“The usual. Good tips, though. When it’s this hot, no one wants to cook. I’m surprised you’re frying.”

Molly shrugged. “It was quick and easy.”

“Where’s your brother?”

“Not sure. He left his fake hand in the bathroom sink, though. I hate that thing. Gives me the creeps. Oh, and did you clean his room?”

“Like I’ve had the time. Why?”

“I went in there to get him and it was spotless. Didn’t find him, though.”

“Hmm, maybe he’s turning over a new leaf. He’s a teenager now.”

Molly laughed. “That would be a reversal from most teens.”

“He’ll be home soon. He’d never miss a meal.”

Two hours later, dinner served, dishes done and put away, Molly turned to her mom. “Where do you think he is?”

“Time to call his friends. Did he leave his phone in his room?”

“Let me go check.” She returned with a notebook. “No phone, but look at this.” Molly flipped to the last page. “It looks like Jason was messing around spells.”

“Spells?” Her mother took the notebook and perused the page. Over her shoulder, Molly read the text out loud.


They ran to the bathroom and were startled to see Jason under the sink, his arm stuck up through the drain, his hand laying in the bowl.

“Stupid magic. Ain’t gonna mess with it anymore.”


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4 thoughts on “#fotoflash: Freehand

    1. Finally found a minute to go read others, thanks for reading & joining in!

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