Just a quick post to let you know I’m still writing – yes, Ventis & Victims. Almost at 80% now! But getting ready for our next cruise (as well as still doing stuff in preparation for our two month trip to Europe next fall) has provided daily interruptions in addition to those dreaded household chores that just won’t go away.

But I promise. The first draft will be done by the time we get back from the cruise and my hope/dream/wish is to have it published on Amazon by the end of the year. Keep your fingers crossed!

What comes after that? I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll work on the three Snowflake Falls cozy mystery books for next December. They’ll all be short stories, at most novellas. With those out of the way, I can tackle book two in the Red Line Coffee series, Grandes & Grenades. Or maybe I’ll reverse that order. One of the main characters in all the Red Line Coffee mysteries is based on a real person and he is not doing well. In his 90s, he has lived a wonderful life and I am sp pleased he agreed to play a role in the books.


*As an Amazon Associate I may earn payment for qualifying purchases, maybe even enough for a cup of coffee! ☕
Thank you.

2 thoughts on “Still writing….

  1. We should all know or remember the old saying take your time to do it right the first time and then you don’t have to keep doing the same thing over and over until you get it right. I can hardly wait to read your latest mystery. Kat

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