They say you have a better shot at meeting your goals if you write them down. I have some lofty ones for the rest of this year as well as next year, especially considering my two month European vacation next fall. But I will have both a 13 day and an 18 day transatlantic cruise which will provide a lot of writing time.

That said, here are my writing goals (not in any particular order):

  • Finish book one of my Red Line Coffee Mystery series, Ventis & Victims
  • Write book two in my Red Line Coffee Mystery series, Grandes & Grenades
  • Write the three books in my new Snowflake Falls cozy mystery series
  • Write a Halloween themed short story, Deadly Happenings
  • Write another book in the Holiday Corner Cozy Mystery series, title TBD

As I said, aggressive goals. But I hope writing them down here will help me stay on track. Plus, I hope you, my readers, will keep pushing me to meet them. Right! Yes! And thanks!


*As an Amazon Associate I may earn payment for qualifying purchases, maybe even enough for a cup of coffee! ☕
Thank you.

4 thoughts on “A Few Goals

  1. Adding your writing goals to my editing goals! Keep on writin’ and we’ll all keep on readin’!! Enjoy life. 🥰

    1. Ah, thank you! Working on Ventis & Victims today. Hope to have it ready for editing/proofing by the time we go on our cruise.

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