{photo courtesy of Kal Visuals}

Here is my contribution to this week’s 100 Word Wednesday, hosted by Bikurgurl:

She was my poster girl. Not because you could go buy her picture on a poster, but because she was what I wanted to be. So full of life, so colorful, so fresh and carefree. So beautiful, oh so beautiful in so many ways.

So unlike me. Meek, mild, introverted me. Full of anxieties and worries. Afraid to try anything new or at least until everything had been analyzed in minutia. Glasses, braces, bad haircut – nothing beautiful here.

She was my best friend and yes, she was my poster girl. The girl I wanted to be.


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Thank you.

5 thoughts on “100 Word Wednesday: Poster Girl #100WW

  1. I love your perspective!! We’re all so full of self-doubt as youth, but I’m thankful middle age has brought the wisdom and confidence to be me – uniquely, wonderful, me 🖤 Thank you so much for joining us again this week!

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